What is a … translation surface? Zurich Graduate Colloquium talk


Geogebra simulation of the Teichmüller geodesic flow on the moduli space of tori

Three minute presentation for the School on Flat Surfaces and Interactions, Le Teich, March 2024


Part III Essay: Displaceability of Lagrangian Toric Fibres

Supervised by Jack Smith (DPMMS, Cambridge). Exposition of main results of two papers by Dusa McDuff and Miguel Abreu & Leonardo Macarini showing methods to show respectively the displaceability or non-displaceability of the fibres. I found some new examples of applications of the method of Abreu and Macarini, showing that the phenomena they observed in two dimensions also take place in three dimensions.
Displaceability of Lagrangian Toric Fibres

Essay: Groups Acting on Trees

Set by Henry Wilton (DPMMS, Cambridge). An exposition of Bass-Serre theory, mostly following Serre’s “Trees”.
Groups Acting on Trees.

Talk: Beatty’s Theorem via Cutting Sequences

This talk is about cutting sequences, presenting a geometrical proof of Beatty’s Theorem, and also discussing the Fibonacci word and Wythoff’s game. It’s based on chapter 2 of S. Tabachnikov’s Geometry and Billiards.
I’ve presented it twice: once at my school, and once as an online talk at the Archimedeans (the Cambridge student maths society).
